Enjoying and making art is a great way to impact your life.
Art and other creative pursuits are as old as time and relevant today. Cave dwellers drew on rocks walls, Renaissance artists crafted masterpieces, and modern art includes everything from digital pictures to award-winning songs, plays and movies.
Art is a universal language which attracts and inspires people of all ages and backgrounds. It connects us and unites us or just brings us pure joy. National Inspire Your Heart with Art Day is held every year on January 31 and it’s a great reminder of what art brings into our lives. The three broad categories of art include the visual arts, the performing arts and interactive media. These encompass painting, photography, sculpture, literature, architecture, cinema, music, theater and more.
According to the National Institute on Aging, participating in art activities may also be linked to improving cognitive function and memory as well as boosting confidence, self-esteem and wellbeing. Other studies have shown that participating in a group activity such as singing or theater can reduce feelings of loneliness and increase a feeling of enjoyment in life.
Some physicians and therapists even use art to help people on the path to healing from trauma or illness. It’s known that art can also help us process difficult emotions in times of emergency or great stress.
An artistic endeavor can also lead to new friendships or interests. For example, if you sign up for a watercolor painting class, you have the opportunity to meet new people and try something outside of your comfort zone. The end result is not a masterpiece, but rather learning new skills and making new friends.
Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, you may already participate in creative endeavors. Singing in a local or church choir, flower arranging and writing in your journal are all ways of creating a type of art. Even baking or decorating your home has an element of creativity to it.
You can celebrate Inspire Your Heart with Art Day by:
- Visiting a local art gallery or museum
- Seeing a play or live music
- Reading a novel or listen to an audio book
- Seeing a movie
- Signing up for a watercolor or acrylics painting class
- Singing in the kitchen by yourself or with family
- Learning how to play an instrument
- Joining a choir or chorale group
- Volunteering at a local community theater
Another way to expand your art appreciation is to take a course in art history or learn about a particular artist. Many museums have excellent classes and lectures for the public. You can also volunteer to be a docent at your local museum. Docents learn about the pieces in the collection and perform informal talks for visitors.
The best part is that everyone can participate in art or a creative project. It doesn’t take a lot of money or a ton of time. You can even start small with some colored pencils and a blank notebook. Or pull out some old books that you’ve been meaning to read or music you’ve been wanting to listen to. However you plan to participate in the creative arts, you’re sure to get a lot from it.
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