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Give something away this July

July is full of fun, fireworks and the lazy, hazy days of summer. It’s also a great time to take stock of your possessions and give away what is no longer needed or to contemplate some of your life choices. There are two designated days this month that could help you do both.

Moving soon? WayForth complete move solutions have you covered whether you need help with downsizing, packing and unpacking, or storage services. To learn more about how we can help with your move, contact our moving professionals today!

Clear out, give away and feel good

July 15 is celebrated as National Give Something Away Day. The founder, Linda Eaton Hall-Fulcher, wanted to have a day when people could give something without expecting anything in return.

This date is a wonderful time to clear out some things that you just don’t use or need. Finding someone that can truly appreciate them, or a service that can distribute the unwanted things for you, is a win-win. You have more space in your home and the new owner has a needed item.

There are several Facebook pages that also encourage giving things away at no cost. One example is Buy Nothing. Members can post an item that they are giving away for free and anyone from the group is eligible to claim it. Pickup and drop off are arranged by private messages. Look for your local Buy Nothing page – usually arranged in ZIP codes – on Facebook.

Charity groups are also a good way to give something away that’s no longer wanted or needed. While larger groups like Goodwill and Salvation Army are well known, you may want to look into smaller community groups that keep their focus on people in your immediate area. Or investigate something that spurs your interest such as Dress for Success which donates to women looking to find job-appropriate clothing.

You can also use this day to give something like flowers to a friend or buy a cup of coffee for a stranger or the next person in line. The whole idea is to give something away and strengthen your community or circle of friends. Giving feels good to both the giver and the recipient.

Letting go of the past

The third Saturday in July is designated as “Toss Away the Could-Haves and Should-Haves Day.” While the name is a little long, it’s really an easy concept. The day is intended to help people let go of the past and concentrate on the present.

The day was created by motivational speaker Martha J. Ross-Rogers. She wanted to allow people to live without regret and focus on what is in front of them.

Examples of this can be as small as “I wish I ordered something else at dinner last night,” to something as important as “I should have taken that other job.”

As we look at our lives, we want to feel like we have done the best we can. Acknowledging our mistakes and trying to learn from them is what helps us grow as humans. Leaving these regrets allows space to open up for new experiences and opportunities.

To help the process, you can write down your regrets on a piece of paper and throw it into the trash as a symbolic gesture of getting rid of your “should-haves” and “would-haves.” Then, you can pledge to yourself that you will strive to have no regrets as you move forward to a world of possibilities.

If you’re planning a move and want assistance with clearing out, storage and moving, contact the professionals at WayForth. We have experienced teams that can give you guidance and help at every stage of your move.


About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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