Tips and hints for working with a move management company

Moving is one of life’s most stressful situations. You have to find a new home, figure out how to sell your old house, sort through your possessions, pack up everything and get it all moved. It’s a big job with lots of details.

If you’ve decided to work with a move management company such as WayForth instead of a basic moving company, you’re ahead of the game. When you partner with our professionals, they can bring years of knowledge and experience to the table and take the stress and worry off of your shoulders.

Like a lot of things, it’s helpful to understand the process and the best ways to work with a professional move organization. This article will give you a look at the inner workings of a move with WayForth and how you can make the most of your time and effort.

Need help on your next move? WayForth has you covered from downsizing services to storage solutions. Contact our team today for help with your next transition!

A step-by-step process

WayForth is the team that “wrote the manual” for best practices and standards in the industry. We take each of our clients through a step-by-step process that is tailored to their particular situation. Whether you’re moving to a new city, across town or to a long-awaited retirement community, WayForth can help from beginning to end.

Our team can help you decide what level of assistance you need and how you can get started. WayForth’s services range from space planning and downsizing to packing, moving and settling in.

According to Michelle Haidaczuk, Client Support Specialist (CSS) at WayForth, there are several professionals that can assist you throughout the process.

Depending on the service level, clients are assigned to a dedicated Client Experience Manager as well as a Client Guide Manager for their move. These are the people you can go to with questions no matter how small or insignificant they seem. They are here for you and will make sure that you get the personalized service WayForth is known for in the industry.

“As a Client Support Specialist, I am the touch point in the office for the customer throughout the whole process,” said Michelle. “I’m the person who is on the phone, working out scheduling questions and everything else that is needed before the actual project starts.”

The Client Support Specialist comes into the picture at the beginning of your journey and is usually contacted by phone or email. Clients usually don’t meet their Client Support Specialist in person, although they are always just a phone call away.

Working with a Client Experience Manager

“The first face you see is someone like me,” said Liza Cogar, WayForth Client Experience Manager. “I’m the person you meet when you ask WayForth to come into your current home to talk about moving.”

This is a complimentary visit and helps both the client and WayForth discover if a partnership is the right fit.

“I enjoy talking to a potential client first,” said Liza. “My job is to make them feel comfortable and fully understand our services.”

The Client Experience Manager will ask questions such as how long the client has been in their home, where they are going next and if they have an idea of what they want to take with them.

“I educate our clients and listen to what they need,” said Liza. “I take time to explain the value of our services and what they include.”

Downsizing? Let us help

One of the most common conversations WayForth team members have with a client is not what they want to take with them, but what to do with things they no longer need or want. That’s why we offer downsizing services that include help sorting through possessions and deciding what you what to keep, donate, sell and let go.

During this process, we make sure to keep the lines of communication open and to be respectful of your emotions and memories. Our sorting methods can make this exercise just a little easier and we’ll even plan a donation run or coordinate storage to save you time and the hassle of driving all over town.

Planning Your Move

After the contract is finalized, the move date is decided and the big day is just around the corner, clients will meet their WayForth Client Guide Manager. This is the person who really gets the ball rolling with hands-on assistance.

“This is the person who helps our clients do all of their planning,” said Michelle. “A Client Guide Manager can help you decide what should go with you to your new home, if you’re downsizing, or assists you with donations of furniture or other pieces.”

WayForth clients work with the Client Guide Manager for most of the day-to-day projects and can count on them to be available for any help or questions.

In the meantime, both Michelle and Liza shared their favorite tips and tricks for clients who are using a professional move management company like WayForth.

Tips for a smooth move

“The one thing I would say to any prospective client is to trust the process,” said Michelle. “We have a proven process and we do it all the time. At the end of your move, you know that everything will be perfect.”

Liza also shared her thoughts on why someone should use a move management company.

“I would say that WayForth would make sure that you will bring the right number of things to your new space to make it feel like home,” said Liza. “A basic mover might just move everything in your home and then you don’t know what will fit and what will work. That is what makes us different.”

“We can actually look at the floor plan for your new space, take measurements and talk to you about your lifestyle,” continued Liza. “We won’t just throw things away. We will listen to your needs and figure out a plan that works best for you. That sets you up for a successful move.”

Both professionals also encourage prospective clients to write down their questions and set up a complimentary visit.

“There’s no cost for WayForth to come out and physically see your current home,” said Michelle. “This gives us a chance to listen to you and for us to tell you about our services. People don’t even know they need the services until they understand what we can do for them.”


WayForth is your go-to move management company. Our moving professionals help with all of your moving needs. We assist with downsizing, packing and unpacking, storage services, and more. Contact our team today for help with your next move!

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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