Whether she’s a new mom or an experienced parent, she’ll appreciate the thought!

“Mother: the most beautiful word on the lips of mankind,” wrote Khalil Gibran the writer, poet and philosopher.

At WayForth, we agree Mothers are pretty special. That’s why we take time to celebrate them every Mother’s Day. The origins of this celebration and the women behind the holiday make for fascinating reading and you can discover their stories here.

During this week leading up to Mother’s Day, we thought it would be fun to share some ways to celebrate mothers – and people who step in as mothers – and say “thank you” for all they do.

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It takes all kinds of mothers

Mothers come in many different forms. There are new mothers who are just learning about parenting with their first child and experienced mothers who seem to manage it all with ease. There are stepmothers and grandmothers who love children as if they were their own.

This list also should include aunts or other relatives who jump in when needed and even a neighbor or close friend who extend motherly advice and love from near or far.

All of these people nurture, teach and inspire. Perhaps your mother was the one who always had cookies ready after school or the one who made the most elaborate Halloween costumes. Maybe your mom was a working mom who taught you about perseverance and integrity through example. Or maybe she was a free spirit who encouraged your dreams.

Whichever type of mother you had, she contributed to who you are as a person and loved you in her own way through thick and thin.

Ways to celebrate moms

While the traditional Mother’s Day celebration usually includes breakfast in bed, a nice lunch or dinner at a restaurant, and flowers of some sort, there are other fun and creative ways to show mom how much you care. We gathered a list and hope these inspire you this year.

For young moms

Those moms who have young children and have their hands full might appreciate a gift from this list:

  • A coupon for free babysitting
  • A home-cooked dinner delivered to the front door
  • A pedicure or manicure
  • Help with planting some flowers or yard work
  • Lunch out while the kids are at school or play group

For experienced moms

Moms who have their routines down still appreciate being thought of on Mother’s Day. Try these ideas:

  • Offer to help with a household chore or project she’s been putting off
  •  Suggest a hike and bring along a picnic
  • Buy movie tickets and a gift certificate for popcorn
  • Find a local massage provider for a total back and neck treatment
  • Offer to pick up her grocery order or the kids after school

For senior moms

Some moms have children that are grown, but still enjoy being thought of on this special day. These moms might like:

  • A handwritten letter telling them how loved they are
  • Help with organizing treasured photos or mementos
  • Homemade treats or a home-cooked dinner
  • Tickets to a play or concert
  • A cozy quilt or lap blanket

You can also give a mother in your life a special gift of downsizing from WayForth. Our trained professionals can help her sort through possessions to figure out what to keep and what can be passed on to a charity organization or a family member. We have a special rate for spring that is available now through June 30, 2023. Click here to learn more and claim the offer!

Celebrating the special mom in your life doesn’t have to be expensive or difficult. While our list of gift ideas can start you off on the right path, ultimately it can be the thoughtfulness and effort behind each gift that truly makes a difference.

WayForth can help you or a family member with our comprehensive moving solutions including downsizing, space planning, packing and moving, unpacking, and setting up in your new home. Contact our moving professionals today at 1.844.WAYFORTH. 

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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