Celebrate Older Americans Month this May


Did you know that Older Americans Month has been around 60 years? This month of celebrating and caring for our eldest citizens, started in 1963, is a way to honor their wisdom, hard work and dedication to family and community.


Because May is the official observance, we thought it would be helpful to share a little about the origins of this month and give you some ideas about how you, your family and your community can mark this month.


WayForth is your trusted, professional senior move management company. We assist seniors with downsizing, packing and unpacking, storage services, and more to make their moves stress and hassle-free. Contact our professional movers today!


1963: A Proclamation

President John F. Kennedy issued the first proclamation recognizing older Americans in 1963, before Medicare was signed into law and many seniors were struggling with financial issues or went without health insurance.


This recognition helped to pave the way for a national awareness that our senior citizens are valuable members of our society and deserve the best assistance possible. They now have the support of government programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security as well as other organizations like AARP.


A Vibrant Cohort

Today, our oldest Americans are an engaged and active population. They continue to work or find second careers. Among adults ages 65 to 74, the workforce participation rate was 25.8% in 2021, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That share is expected to grow to 30.7% by 2031.


This group also enjoys travel. According to Visa.com, by 2025, people aged 65 and older will account for 11% of the world’s population and their international travel—the number of cross-border trips they take per year—will more than double.


They are also well-connected. AARP reports that 86% of seniors aged 50 – 59 use smartphones, along with 81% of those aged 60 to 69 and 62% of those aged 70 and older.


Still Work to be Done

Although the United States dedicates a variety of resources to caring for older Americans, there is still work to be done. Poverty has increased among Americans aged 65 and older from 8.9% in 2020 to 10.3% in 2021, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data. The increase in the poverty rate results in 1 million more older adults who rely on scarce resources to make ends meet.


Hunger is another issue that needs attention. In 2021, nearly one in six seniors in America faced the threat of hunger or malnourishment (around 8 million total).


Working later in life means that older workers will need to learn new skills along the way, especially if they are in physically demanding jobs they may be unable to do in their 70s. According to AARP Research, two-thirds of older workers are interested in additional skills training.


Aging Unbound

This year’s theme for Older Americans Month is Aging Unbound, a nod to encouraging people to explore every opportunity to live life to the fullest as they age.


According to the governmental agency, Administration for Community Living (acl.gov), here are some ways we can all participate in Aging Unbound:

  • Embrace the opportunity to change.

Find a new passion, go on an adventure, and push boundaries by not letting age define your limits. Invite creativity and purpose into your life by trying new activities in your community to bring in more growth, joy, and energy.

  • Explore the rewards of growing older.

With age comes knowledge, which provides insight and confidence to understand and experience the world more deeply. Continue to grow that knowledge through reading, listening, classes, and creative activities.

  • Stay engaged in your community.

Everyone benefits when everyone is connected and involved. Stay active by volunteering, working, mentoring, participating in social clubs, and taking part in activities at your local senior center or elsewhere in the community.

  • Form relationships.

As an essential ingredient of well-being, relationships can enhance your quality of life by introducing new ideas and unique perspectives. Invest time with people to discover deeper connections with family, friends, and community members.


Take time this month to recognize the accomplishments and needs of our older Americans and discover how you can impact your own life and the lives of others in your community


WayForth can help you or a family member with our comprehensive moving solutions including downsizing, space planning, packing and moving, unpacking, and setting up in your new home. Contact our moving professionals today at 1.844.WAYFORTH. 

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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