Enjoy fresh air and beautiful blooms you grew yourself!

There’s nothing like planting a seed or nurturing a plant and watching it grow. Whether you are partial to a garden full of flowers, a patch loaded with vegetables or a balcony brimming with pots filled with herbs, gardening is truly one of life’s pleasures. It’s a hobby that also allows you to get outside to enjoy fresh air and exercise.

April 22 is Earth Day, so now is the perfect time to talk about gardening. While people of any age can enjoy digging around in the soil and growing things, gardening is a great activity for older people for a variety of reasons.

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The benefits of gardening

When you garden you have a sense of purpose to get outside and move around. It can help with mobility and flexibility as well as encourage you to use different motor skills as you work. Strength and endurance can also be improved as you spend time in your garden.

Gardening has mental health benefits as well. Having something to do outside of your home can help with depression and boredom. It also relieves stress and adds a relaxing component to your life by getting you away from your regular routine. The outdoors and gardening also leads you to learn new skills and gain new information, providing mental stimulation.

Finally, gardening can give you a social outlet. Meeting other people who enjoy gardening or are in a gardening club allows you to add new people to your life and share topics of conversation.

Ideas for seniors

Often older adults are unsure of how they can garden due to their physical limitations or living situations. But there are plenty of ideas that can help you garden no matter what your circumstances are.

Container or box gardens are ideal for people with limited space or who don’t want to take care of a large area. You can place pots filled with flowers or vegetables almost anyway where they can get the appropriate amount of sun and where you can easily reach them. You can even place pots on stands so that you don’t have to bend too low or reach too far to water and fertilize your plants.

If you have room, a raised garden bed is a good choice for people who need to avoid bending or stooping too low. Vertical gardens that stand upright are another good option for those with limited movement.

No matter what type of gardening you decide to try, make sure there is a water source close for keeping your plants healthy. Consider yourself when you’re in the garden, too. Wearing the proper clothing, bug spray and sunscreen can make your experience much more comfortable.

Celebrate Earth Day

Whether you cover your entire back yard with flowers or simply raise a few herbs in some pots, gardening is a great way to celebrate Earth Day and the beauty of the outdoors.

Earth Day was started in 1971 to call attention to pollution on our planet. It helped boost the emerging environmental consciousness and put environmental concerns on the front page. Now, Earth Day is a worldwide push to help people become more aware of our connection with the earth and our natural resources.

According to EarthDay.org, this year’s theme is “Invest in our Planet.” This means that all of us – citizens, organizations and businesses – should work to affect the health of our planet. Whether it is by shopping sustainably, raising your voice against climate change or growing your own vegetables, we can all make an impact.

A few things you can do right now include:

  • Using the internet rather than paper for news and information
  • Pick up trash while you’re on a walk or at the beach
  • Write your elected officials about your concerns about our planet
  • Switch to reusable bags while shopping
  • Make your own compost from kitchen scraps
  • Plant flowers that attract bees
  • Consider eating less red meat
  • Shop with companies that are sustainable

WayForth can help you or a family member with our comprehensive moving solutions including downsizing, packing and set-up in a new home, contact our moving professionals today at 1.844.WAYFORTH.

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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