Whether you’re getting ready to move or just want to do a major purge of your closets, basement and attic, it helps to have a plan of attack. You want to be both efficient and effective as you pull, sort and donate. So, we’ve organized some of our best tips to help you make the most of your time and your items.

Need help downsizing or organizing? WayForth‘s moving experts have you covered! Our complete move solutions help you navigate the organizational and downsizing needs for your next move. Contact our professionals today!

Use the four-pile method to sort

This process consists of dividing everything into four giant piles: things to keep, to donate, to throw away, and to sell. For this method to work, you need a large, empty staging area such as a basement, garage or even the front yard. Make a plan in advance for each individual pile such as contacting charities or exploring re-sale shops. Here are some tips for the four piles:


Friends, neighbors and family may have expressed interest in an item, so these go into the “keep” pile. Hold furniture, books, mementos and other items for a limited time, until the recipients have decided if they truly want them. Family members should pick up the items by a specified date and time (be firm!).


If you have time, you can plan to hold an estate or garage sale and get some money for your possessions. You can always try a local consignment shop or specialty antique dealer. If you don’t have the time, energy or resources, you can sell large collections of items at online auctions. An auction house will remove the items from the house, photograph them, estimate a value, list them online, and sell them quickly.


At WayForth, we find that a lot of our clients would rather donate items than throw them away. For items that can be donated, look for specialty donation centers, such as charity that gives suits to needy job seekers or delivers furniture to new immigrants.


Even the smallest of homes can generate trash when you’re downsizing or cleaning out. Be ready for a lot of trips to the garbage. You can also rent a small dumpster or designate a pickup truck to be emptied daily. If you plan to recycle, follow the guidelines for your area’s sorting and pickup. And don’t forget that hazardous items – such as medicines, paint cans or even fireworks – may need special attention.

For more downsizing tips, read our article here!

Four ways to help donated clothes avoid the landfill

About 85 percent of the clothing that Americans donate or throw away end up in landfills. To make sure you’re optimizing your donations, try these avenues first:

Sell them

Contemporary and designer clothing – if it’s in good shape – can fetch top dollar. Local consignment shops are one option, but Internet sites, such as PoshmarkThred Up, and eBay, have made finding willing buyers for single items easier than ever.

Target your donations

Specialty attire such as prom gowns/evening gowns or business clothing can find a second life with the right organization. Local schools often collect gowns for girls who may not have the means to get a new one for a big dance. And many non-profits gather work-appropriate clothing to share with clients who are looking for a new job.

Search for resources

It may take a few phone calls, but there are groups who help homeless people or recent immigrants find clothing. If your clothes are in wearable shape with no stains, tears or holes, you can be helping someone who may really need what you no longer want.

Give old clothes a new purpose

If you have clothing that’s torn, stained or threadbare, you may still be able to donate it or re-use them. Collection organization may use old textiles as industrial wipes, upholstery stuffing, carpet pads or even fibers for making new clothes. Or if you’re handy with a sewing machine, you might be able to re-work an old dress into an apron or use a worn shirt for a painting smock.

WayForth complete move solutions help you with downsizing, packing and unpacking, storage services, and more. Contact our moving professionals today to help you on your next move!

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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