1. Shift Your Thinking

Whether you’ve lived in your home for one year or sixty, your house has been one of the places where many special events and fond memories have occurred. Big things like bringing home babies, celebrating holidays with family, and many traditions. That’s why the transition of letting go of a home can be difficult, but it is also an important step in successfully moving on.

We suggest actively saying goodbye to your home before the realtors come and want to make changes necessary to put your home on the market. Take photos of special places in your home, like the doorway where you marked your kids’ growth each year. Reminisce with friends and family about all the good times that you’ve shared here. As you do this, commit your memories to your heart and let go. Start this as early as you can.

Moving soon? Don’t wait to hire a move management company like WayForth. WayForth can help with all of your moving needs such as, downsizing, packing and unpacking, storage services, and more. Contact our team of moving experts today for help on your next move!

2. Don’t Take Things Personally

When you decide to put your home on the market, everyone will have an opinion about your house and may suggest a number of changes you might not agree with. First, the realtors will give you a to-do list from fixing the broken faucet to removing the carpet and painting the walls colors that you might not choose to live with. The buyers will follow next with their critique about your deck, the bathroom tile, and how big or small the closets are.

Please remember that it is your realtor’s job to sell your home for the best possible price. To do so, your home must be as neutral as possible if it is going to appeal to the widest audience. The feedback potential buyers provide to you and your realtor is valuable information about the market. Take it seriously, not personally.

Looking for a new place to live? Read WayForth’s tips when searching for a new house!

3. Trust the Professionals

Surround yourself with the best people you can to help you sell your home and then listen to their advice. Remember that this is their full-time job and they are experts at what they do. They might advise you to spend money on your home in order to sell it – this might seem counter intuitive, but they know what’s necessary to attract serious buyers. One of our busiest realtors recently said, “the houses that are flying off the market right now are the ones that are pristine.” Think pristine.

4. Focus on the Big Picture

Think ahead and focus on your next step. Now that your home is on the market, it’s helpful to think of yourself as just a visitor. Start to think about your new home and your new lifestyle. Start to decorate your new home, even if you haven’t moved in yet. Do some floor planning and chose which items you will bring with you. Start referring to it as your home and not your “new home.” Remember the reasons for your move and look forward to all the wonderful things that this change will bring to your life.

WayForth are your trusted move professionals. Our team or professional organizers and movers, help take the stress and hassle out moving. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help on your next move!

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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