To take the stress and hassle out of your move, consider using a move management company like WayForth. WayForth can handle all aspects of your move so you can focus on what matters most. Contact our experts today to learn more!

Congratulations! You’ve got a new job in a new city. Now, you’ve got to figure out how you’re going to move to your new home.  


Preparing for a relocation is a bit different than preparing for a move. During a regular move, you’ve probably chosen the city, neighborhood and new house before you started looking for a mover or move management company. In a relocation, the job may come first, followed by learning about the town and possible living options.  


First up: housing 

As soon as you’ve decided to relocate, you need to concentrate on two things: new housing and who will help you move.  


Your budget for housing is a large consideration. If you’re going from a small town to a large city, housing may look very different. You may have to downsize to an apartment that you can afford. If you’re going to a less populated place, housing may be more affordable and you could possibly scale up to a larger space.  


You will also want to consider neighborhoods or areas that mesh with your lifestyle. Do you enjoy living close to coffee shops, museums and bookstores? Or would you prefer somewhere with more land and trees? If you’re a parent, you may also have to do research to find a school system that fits your child’s.  


If possible, try to arrange a trip to your new city that is just about housing, not your job interview. You can ask a local real estate professional to give you a tour or perhaps one of your new colleagues can give you some tips.  


Next: find a company to move you 

Because WayForth has experience moving thousands of people, making a call to our professionals is a good place to start. We can help make your relocation a smooth, hassle-free experience with our unmatched customer service.  


Our team always starts with an initial no-cost consultation to review what you need and preferences. WayForth’s flexible, personalized concierge-level service means you’ll have our support from start to finish. Services include:  


  • Space planning 

We’ll help you figure out where everything will go in your new home to make it feel comfortable and familiar.  


  • Downsizing

If you need to sort and donate items before you move, we can help. We can even help arrange donations so you save time.  


  • Packing and moving 

Our team of professionals will carefully pack, transport and unload every item in your home.  


  • Unpacking and settling in 

Help with unpacking and arranging your new home is available at the other side of the move.  


  • Clear-out and prepare for sale

If you need to sell your former home, we are happy to help with clearing everything out and making sure your home is empty and ready for the next owner.  


  • Storage services

Sometimes you need to store furniture and other items before, during and after your move. Let WayForth help you find the right storage for you.  


You’ll find our services are comprehensive and our processes are proven. All designed with your unique and personal needs in mind so that you can select and combine options to fit your situation. If you want to learn more about WayForth’s relocation, move management and moving solutions that are tailored to you, contact us today. 


About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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