If you’re looking for a new home – whether it’s a senior community, townhouse or something in between – cost is a huge consideration. How much will the new place cost each month? Are there other expenses you have to budget for? It all needs to be considered as you make plans.

But, what about the emotional cost of moving?

First, let’s talk about what that phrase means. Think about how you add up a set of numbers. You take the first number plus the next number and so on until you get the total sum. The emotional cost of moving are those thoughts and feelings that add up as you get ready to move.

WayForth is your trusted moving company. Our concierge-level services are specialized for every move, so that we fit your needs. To learn more about complete move solution, contact our experts today!

From here to there

“Everyone wants to do their best doing a move, but the invisible part is the emotional weight surrounding the changes,” says Pete Shrock, Chief Operating Officer at WayForth.

“The person moving has to figure out new friendships and forge a new identity with a new sense of who they are and that’s a vulnerable place to be,” explains Shrock.

A move includes the big transition involving how to remember your old life, but still carving out a happy existence in a new home. Support from family members, community members and even professional services like WayForth can all help.

Find your voice

No matter how you slice it, moving is hard. There are a ton of details from where you are going to live to how you’re going to get all your furniture there. Decisions such as how close you should be to adult children or how large your new home is going to be are all on the table.

Make sure you share your wants and needs and communicate them clearly. It’s easy to get drowned out by well-meaning people who may want you to save money by choosing a different community or want you to go to new city where you don’t know anyone. When you don’t feel heard, it can cause hard feelings between family members, cause you to be annoyed and angry or worse. Be firm if something is important to you and stick to your wishes.

Acknowledge that a move is difficult

Throughout your life, you’ve built a community. Neighbors, work, friends, the PTA, sports groups, church and even a book club gave you a feeling of connection and fulfillment. Now that that’s all about to change, it can feel pretty overwhelming.

“Even if you’ve planned well, there is a wave of emotions and concerns. It helps to find a feeling of control in these sometimes-uncontrollable moments,” says Shrock.

WayForth can assist by helping you – and your family if needed – with not only the tactical parts of moving, but also the emotional moments. The companionship model gives clients a single WayForth contact to help from day one. That gives you someone who is unbiased and here for you for whether you need to know the best way to pack up or help setting up your new home.

Find your happy place

Finally, remember to take care of yourself through all of this. Ask for help if you need it. Take time from sorting and donating possessions with a pizza party or dinner out. Set small goals and make sure to get enough down-time and sleep to keep you in top form.

The emotional cost of moving doesn’t have to bankrupt you. With proper planning, assistance and expectations, you– and your emotional wellness – can come through it with flying colors.

Read our blog “How to Avoid Getting Emotionally Drained While Moving” to learn how best to combat the stress of moving.

Moving soon? WayForth is your trusted move management company. We are the moving company that does more than just moving. Our solutions cover downsizing, packing and unpacking, clear-out services, storage, and more. Schedule a consultation today to learn how WayForth can help you!

About the Author: WayForth

WayForth is the definitive provider of comprehensive and personalized moving solutions for life and business. Since 2016, WayForth has led the way in move management, providing solutions to over 15,000 individuals and families. How you move matters and no matter the destination, WayForth serves as a guide making life’s transitions easier to navigate. Call 1.844.WAYFORTH today to learn how we can help with your next move!
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